
You can apply for up to $50,000 in funds to help put solar on the roof of your home or business.


Solar panels on building in Minneapolis



We help fund new solar energy projects

Apply for funding for projects before your start.

Apply for funding


Eligible properties

To be eligible for the Green Cost Share program, your property must: 

  • Be located in the City of Minneapolis
  • Fall into one of the following categories
    • Business/Commercial
    • Industrial
    • Multifamily (3 units or more)
    • Nonprofit
    • Enrolled in the City's 4d Affordable Housing Incentive Program
    • Single-family or duplex (solar group purchase only)

Solar group purchases 

Your project must meet all of the above requirements, plus:

  • Must include least five properties
  • 20% of those properties must be environmental justice or affordable housing

Incentive categories and criteria

Base category

Any eligible property

Environmental Justice category

Property must be located in a Minneapolis:

  • Green Zone, or
  • Great Street Eligible Priority Area, or

Affordable Housing category

  • Affordable housing or utility bill support program, such as:
    • Minneapolis 4d Affordable Housing Incentive Program
    • Low Income Rental Classification (LIRC)
    • Income Qualified Solar*Rewards
    • Minnesota Energy Assistance Program
    • Weatherization Assistance Program


Category* Rate per kWh-AC**
Base 20 cents 
Environmental Justice 35 cents
Affordable Housing 40 cents

*The maximum match amount for each category is $50,000.

**Per estimated annual kilowatt hours (kWh-AC) of production.

City match

We calculate the match by multiplying two numbers.

  • The estimated annual kilowatt hours (kWh-AC) of production of your solar energy system
  • The incentive rate for your project's category

Example: 30,000 kWh x $0.20/kWh = $6,000

How to determine which numbers to use

  • Ask your solar installer for the kWh. Make sure PVWatts or another solar production modeling program supports this number.
  • Work with City staff to determine the appropriate category for your project.



Learn about resources and financial help available to add solar to your property.

Rooftop solar resources

You can find out the potential to add solar for your home or business.

Home or business solar potential

Use a going solar checklist to get started with solar on your property.

Going solar checklist

Learn about community garden resources for residents and businesses. 

Community solar gardens for residents and business 

Incentives and financing

See what incentives are available to residents.

Federal incentives

MN Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTS) has a summary of federal solar incentives.

Learn about federal solar incentives under the Inflation Reduction Act

Utility incentives

Work with a solar company to get incentives through your utility.

See Xcel Energy Solar*Rewards

Energy partners


EnergySage is a one-stop shop for customers to find reliable solar companies in your area.

See EnergySage 

Solar United Neighbors MN

Solar United Neighbors MN helps people learn about solar energy and go solar as a group.  

Visit Solar United Neighbors MN

Contact us

Green Cost Share

Minneapolis Health Department




Public Service Building
505 Fourth Ave. S., Room 520
Minneapolis, MN 55415