Accepted organics
Learn more about organics recycling
Learn more about organics recycling at an upcoming educational session. Sessions are open to anyone who wants to learn about organics recycling.
Items you can compost
Food scraps

- Fruits and vegetables
- Meat, fish and bones
- Dairy products
- Eggs and egg shells
- Pasta, beans and rice
- Bread and cereal
- Nuts and shells
Food-soiled paper

- Pizza boxes from delivery
- Napkins and paper towels
- Paper egg cartons
- Certified compostable products*
- Plates
- Cups
- Bowls
- Takeout containers
- Utensils
*Look for the BPI logo on certified products. Only items with this logo are accepted. The BPI logo means the item was tested and will fully and safely break down without leaving unnatural byproducts like microplastics.
BPI (Biodegradable Products Institute) is a third-party certification company. You can verify that products are certified compostable by visiting BPI's website and searching their Certified Compostable Products Catalog.
Other compostable household items

- Coffee grounds and filters
- Hair and nail clippings
- Tissues
- Cotton balls and swabs with paper stems
- Houseplant trimmings and flowers
- Wooden items such as chopsticks, popsicle sticks and toothpicks
Items you cannot compost
Do not put these items in your organics cart
- Yard waste
- Bandages
- Diapers and sanitary products
- Animal and pet waste, litter or bedding
- Cleaning or baby wipes
- Grease or oil in large quantities (a small amount of grease / oil on a paper towel or napkin is ok)
- StyrofoamTM
- Dryer lint and dryer sheets
- Recyclable items (cartons, glass, metal, paper, plastic)
- Shredded paper
- Frozen food boxes
- Microwave popcorn bags
- Gum
- Fast food wrappers
- Products labeled “biodegradable”
- Wax paper or parchment paper (unless it’s BPI certified)
Learn about more items
More information
Contact us
Eastside Maintenance Facility
2635 University Ave NE
Minneapolis, MN 55418
Office hours
8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday
This building is closed to the public.