Safe Routes to School

This program makes it safer for kids to travel to and from school and around the neighborhood.

Safe routes for students and children

The Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program improves the City's streets. It does this by making pedestrian and bicycle improvements for students and children. We use the SRTS program resources and projects in a fair and equitable manner.

Program goals

  • Encourage students to walk or bicycle to/from school
  • Improve the comfort and safety of the city's pedestrian and bicycle network near
    • Schools
    • Parks
    • Libraries
    • Other neighborhood destinations

Asphalt art installation

South-Folwell Safe Routes to School’s Asphalt Art Initiative

The South-Folwell SRTS project is the site of an asphalt art installation. This work was funded through Bloomberg Philanthropies' Asphalt Art Initiative Grant.

Learn more about the grant

Minneapolis Public Works worked with Minneapolis Arts and Cultural Affairs to select artists. The artists worked with Minneapolis Public Schools art teachers and students. In spring 2024, they designed and installed the murals with the help of volunteers and City staff.

This art will be on the street for two years. The final South-Folwell SRTS project will replace the art in 2026.

Learn more about the project



Minneapolis Public Schools

Minneapolis Public Schools has tips on walking, rolling or biking to school. See their Safe Routes to School webpage to learn more.

Contact us

Bria Fast

Transportation Planner

Public Works




Public Service Building
505 Fourth Avenue South, Room 410
Minneapolis, MN 55415