7th. Street bus only lane
Metro Transit and the City installed a bus lane on 7th Street between 1st Ave. North and Chicago Ave. in downtown.
October 2021
Project overview
Metro Transit and the City installed a bus lane on 7th Street between 1st Avenue North and Chicago Avenue in downtown.
7th street is a key downtown transit corridor. It services communities in both North and South Minneapolis with a combination of
- Bus rapid transit (BRT)
- Local service
- Express service
Currently the METRO C Line and seven other routes travel along 7th Street. The METRO D Line is scheduled to begin service in 2022.
Bus lanes work to help the City make progress towards its mode shift goal and climate goal.
Project resources
Project phase
City crews have finished installing the bus only lanes.
In Progress

Bus only lanes program
We've partnered with Metro Transit to install and pilot bus only lanes across the City.