Transit priority lanes

You can learn about the transit priority lanes in the City.

Transit priority lanes help us meet our goals

We've partnered with Metro Transit to install and pilot transit priority lanes across the City.

Transit priority lanes help

  1. Improve the speed of buses
  2. Makes transit more reliable for customers

Transportation Action Plan goals

To reach Transportation Action Plan City policies and goals:

  • We'll test and install transit priority lanes on transit corridors.
  • Transit priority lanes will expand into a network of permanent infrastructure across the city.
  • Mode shift and climate goals

Transit priority lanes work to help the City make progress towards its mode shift goal.

This goal is to have three out of every five trips taken by:

  • walking
  • bicycling
  • or transit

This would also help us achieve the City's climate goals.

How transit priority lanes help us meet our goals

Transit priority lanes are a cost-effective way to meet our goals. It does this by:

  • increasing the capacity and efficiency of the street to move more people
  • makes transit more enjoyable
  • reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Transit priority lane projects

View the current and recently completed transit priority lane projects.
transit priority lane monday - friday
Construction workers in front of bus lane
Bus in bus lane with safety cones

Past transit priority lane projects

You can see the transit priority lane projects we've already completed.

Related programs and initiatives

Contact us

Kathleen Mayell

Transportation Planning Manager

Public Works

