Our website approach

You can learn about the principles that guide our approach to the City of Minneapolis website.

We're here to serve

We built our website for the communities we serve.

Our website helps us provide crucial information and services to:

  • Residents
  • Businesses
  • City visitors and media

See our content approach

Website background and history

We involved our communities to evolve the City website. Learn the background and history of how we've improved the Minneapolis site.

Our content approach

Start with content strategy

We developed our content strategy early on

We want to help all website visitors access the information and services they need to live, work and play in Minneapolis.

We do this by creating clear, consistent content.

Content principles we follow

People at tables add notes to maps


After we developed our strategy, we created our principles:

  • Be consistent.
  • Be concise, simple and clear.
  • Write for the web.
  • Communicate with empathy and purpose.
  • Build for accessibility and inclusion.
  • Be human-centered and data-driven.
  • Have one place for each piece of content.
  • Tell our story.

What these principles do

These principles:

  • Guide us as we write, edit and retire content
  • Serve as an experienced team member, providing guidance for all our content work

View our content creation guidelines

Design for a great city

The new website represents the city we aspire to be:

  • Actively engaged 
  • Vibrant 
  • Inclusive 
  • Welcoming 
  • Modern 

We make our content

  • Relevant and timely.
  • Scannable.
  • Findable.
  • Grab-and-go.
  • Quickly understood.
  • One source of truth.
  • One city, one voice.

These phrases became the team’s mantra. We use them when sharing our story and working with departments to transform their content.

People celebrating at restaurant



Know the roles and responsibilities of the City employees who oversee, update and maintain the website content.

Digital Services Team

Roles Responsibilities
Information Technology with the Enterprise Web Team  Leadership from many departments in the City offer guidance to all web users.
Communications department Communications maintains and governs events, news, social media. They also maintain the City homepage and site-wide alerts on our website.
Neighborhood & Community Relations 
NCR provides accessibility and language services for the public and City.


City Department web roles

Roles Responsibilities
Quality Owners Quality Owners are responsible for content in their area. They assist web contributors and approve their content.
Content Editors Content Editors make website updates. They maintain the quality and accuracy of their department's web content.

Subject Matter Experts (No web editing duties)

Subject Matter Experts know the most about the topics. They request updates from their department web team, but do not update the City website.


Content organization

Resident services webpage



Content sorted by topic

People come to the City’s public website to find information or complete a task. We reorganized our content by topic. This helps people get to the content they want with ease.

Our main topics

  • Resident services
  • Business services
  • Things to do
  • Getting around
  • Government

Web design and features

We website allow people to access our content quickly and consistently. Here are some ways we help to keep our content consistent, organized and easy-to-scan.

Design features we use

  • “I want to” tiles for quick access to tasks people want to complete.
  • 311 help button that appears on every page of the website — help is one click away.
  • Report an issue pages that are accessible from a topic area, from search and from a central listing.
  • “Before you begin” directions that explain what you need to know before completing a form or viewing a PDF.
  • City data and maps that display content visually so users can scan and interact with it.
  • City official and department contact information so people can connect with our City government.

We continue to improve our web content

With the initial website launch, the Enterprise Web team realizes that we have not reached all our ambitious goals. We'll continue to fine-tune our work while being true to our content strategy, principles and goals.

We know that our work never ends. We have an ongoing responsibility to deliver a great website experience to everyone who lives, works and plays in Minneapolis. 

The City Enterprise Web Team continues to:

  • Organize content in a way that makes it easy to find.
  • Create content that’s easier to read and scan.
  • Write inclusively, with the diversity of our residents in mind.
  • Improve the accessibility of our content.


person registering to vote at an outdoor community event


Contact us

Minneapolis 311


7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Monday – Friday

See list of City holidays