Minneapolis Youth Works
We help young people between the ages of 14 and 21 get job training.
I want to

We help you find year-round employment and training services if you are:
- Age 14 to 21 and in school
- Age 16 to 24 and not in school
You must:
- Qualify as low income
- Have one or more risk factors
More information
Risk factors
You must have one or more of these risk factors to be eligible for services.
Academic risk factors
- Basic skills deficits or low academic performance
- English language learner (ELL)
- A disability outlined in a 504 Plan or IEP
Situation risk factors
- Justice-involved
- Experiencing homelessness
- Runaway or foster youth
- Pregnant or parenting
Additional risk factors
Require additional assistance to:
- Complete an educational program
- Secure employment
- Maintain employment
An equal opportunity employer and service provider. A proud partner of the American Job Center network.
Contact us
Margaa Hirphaa
Community Planning & Economic Development
Public Service Building
505 Fourth Ave. S., Room 320
Minneapolis, MN 55415