Labor agreements
You can read about the City of Minneapolis labor groups.

Find labor agreements and other labor-related documents.
In this section
Labor agreement documents
We have labor agreements with 22 units.
Labor unit codes
- CAF - AFSCME General Unit (#9)
- CAT - AFSCME Attorneys (#9)
- CAW - AFSCME Water Maintenance
- CBI - Building Trades (Inspectors)
- CBT - Building Trades (Trades Unit)
- CEL - Electricians (#292)
- CEN - Professional Engineers (Public Works)
- CEQ - Construction Equipment (IUOE #49)
- CET - Electrical Technicians (#292)
- CFC - Fire Chiefs
- CFF - Fire Fighters (#82)
- CFO - Foremens Association
- CIC - Inspectors and Commanders
- CLB - Laborers (#363)
- CMA - Machinists Lodge (#77)
- CMN - 911 Unit (MnPEA)
- CPC - Assistant Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs
- CPE - Professional Employees (MPEA)
- CPO - Police Officers Federation
- CPT - Stagehands/Production Technicians (IATSE #13)
- CSE - Stationary Engineers (IUOE #70)
- CSU - Supervisors Association
- CTS - 911 Supervisors (LELS #564)
- CVT - Convention Center Unit (TEAMSTERS #320)
Find details on labor units, outside trade agreements and non-represented employees.
Labor unit details
Labor unit details provides information about:
- Labor units
- Labor agreement duration
- Lead representatives
- General updates
Outside trade agreements
We work with some of our labor units for specialized, temporary trades.
We share labor agreements and salary schedules for:
- Temporary Construction Craft Laborers Local #563 (CX2)
- Temporary Cement Masons Local #633 (CX2)
- Temporary Building Trades (CX3)
- Temporary Electricians (CX1)
- Temporary Equipment Operators (CX4)
Non-represented employees
Some employees work in positions that are not represented by a labor unit.
We share salary schedules for:
- Non-represented employees
- CAP Appointed Officials
- CPA Politically Appointed
- CEC Elected Officials (Mayor/Council)
Related links
Contact us
Labor Relations
Human Resources
City Hall350 S. 5th St., Room 1
Minneapolis, MN 55415