Vision Zero Action Plan

You can learn about the 2023-2025 Vision Zero Action Plan.

2023-2025 Action Plan

The 2023-2025 Vision Zero Action Plan was adopted by the City Council on April 27, 2023.

The plan outlines key steps in the next 3 years to make progress toward the City’s goal to end traffic deaths and severe injuries. This plan is an update building on the work of the 2020-2022 Vision Zero Action Plan.

See the status update of the actions in the 2020-2022 plan.


Read the executive summary

Read the Vision Zero Action Plan



pedestrians walking near the city hall building in downtown Minneapolis
Pedestrians and bicyclists on a light rail station
People unloading off a bus and walking away to their destinations

Highlights from the plan

The Vision Zero Action Plan includes strategies and actions that focus on four systems:
  • Safe streets - Using street design to improve traffic safety.
  • Safe people - Supporting and encouraging safe human behavior.
  • Safe vehicles - Regulating and maintaining safe vehicle fleets.
  • Safety data - Using a data-driven approach to Vision Zero.
The Vision Zero Action Plan put 17 strategies and 78 actions in place between 2023 and 2025.
Four highlighted areas in the plan are:
  • Making safety improvements on High Injury Streets
  • Advancing street designs to reduce dangerous vehicle speeds
  • Working to put in place a speed safety camera pilot of automated enforcement
  • Evaluating different ways to add traffic enforcement while building trust

Read more details in the Vision Zero Action Plan

The Minneapolis 2040 Comprehensive Plan & Vision Zero

Person riding bike wearing hat

The Minneapolis 2040 Comprehensive Plan shapes how the city will grow and change over the next two decades.

See the Minneapolis 2040 Comprehensive Plan

Vision Zero is one of the policies in the transportation section. The Vision Zero principles relate to many goals in Minneapolis 2040. Some of these include “Healthy, safe, and connected people” and “Complete neighborhoods.” Vision Zero's action items will align with Minneapolis 2040.

Transportation Action Plan

Bus taking a turn

We recently updated our ten-year Transportation Action Plan.

The Transportation Action Plan guides

  • Future planning
  • Design 
  • Transportation project construction 

Safety is one of the six key goals for the Transportation Action Plan, and the plan includes Vision Zero.

Learn more about the Transportation Action Plan

This Action Plan was made with your help

Person holding sign saying "Curb extensions, zebra crosswalks and ped lights at intersections between lights." with a smiley face drawn on sign.
My best idea for making my street safer is: curb extensions, zebra crosswalks and ped lights at intersections between traffic lights.
Person holding sign that says: My best idea for making our streets safer is: Stop the drinking and driving. No texting while driving.
My best idea for making our streets safer is: Stop the drinking and driving. No texting while driving.
Person holding sign that says "For Cedar Ave S: Restrict freight vehicles, lower speed limits, remove one lane for bike only!"
My best idea for making my street safer is: For Cedar Ave S: Restrict freight vehicles, lower speed limits, remove one lane for bike only!
Child wearing helmet holding sign that says "My best idea for making our streets safer is "to have more bike lanes" with drawing of a road.
My best idea for making our streets safer is: to have more bike lanes.
Person on assisted mobile device holding sign on their idea for having safe streets Text available in the caption due to character limitation.
People in cars: stop going fast on corners when there's people in wheelchairs or pedestrians wanting to cross. Have snow removed on corners ASAP.
Two adults and a baby. Adult is holding sign that says: "My best idea for making our streets safer. Protected pathways for non-drivers."
My best idea for making our streets safer is: Protected pathways for non-drivers.

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