What to tell us

Give us details, answer our questions and don't hang up.

Don't hang up

  • If we don't answer right away.
    • Let the phone continue to ring until we answer.
  • If you call 911 by accident.
    • If you hang up, we have to call you back. This happens about 200 times a day and uses valuable time and resources.
    • When we answer, tell us you called by accident.
  • When you are talking to us.
    • Don't hang up until we end the call.
    • Help may be on the way while we are talking to you.
  • If it's not safe for you to call, text 911.

Give details, answer questions, stay on the line

  • Give us the details of your location, including:
    • Street address
    • Type of building
    • Intersections and landmarks
    • Specific room, apartment, floor where the incident happens
    • Anything that will help us find you
    • We can't get these details by tracking your cell or building phone
  • Tell us what's happening.
  • Describe suspects and their vehicles
  • Answer our questions.
  • Don't hang up. We can send help while we talk to you.
  • Tell us if you want to speak to the officer or responder.

Emergency Medical Dispatcher (EMD)

If you call for medical help, we may transfer you to the EMD.

  • We will ask you some basic questions before transferring you.
  • An EMD can provide guidance until our Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) arrive.

TTY and translation services

  • If you are a TTY user, press any key after dialing 911. We treat every "silent" call as a potential TTY call.
  • If you need a translator, tell the call taker the language you need. We'll get an interpreter on the line.

Reporting problems with the call

  • You can ask to speak to an on-duty supervisor if you have a bad experience with the call taker.

Contact us

911 Department

If you need Police, Fire, Medical or BCR to respond to your location, call 911.

To request Police, Fire, Medical or BCR response to a non-emergency situation, call 612-348-2345

General and non-emergency questions

911 Department